Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I think I might take up this blogging thing again. Only time will tell...

The other morning the boys and I had an early (for us) event to get to. The clock was ticking and the pressure was high to get up, eat breakfast (usually a 2 hour ordeal for Zane "the eating machine"), get dressed, and get out of the house. I really needed a shower so I got Zane started on his breakfast and headed upstairs. (Vander, my zombie child, who can sleep until noon was not up yet) When I came downstairs with Vander refreshed from my shower and ready to put it into high gear to get out the house this is what I found:

Zane decided to make chocolate milk, sans milk. We now have a new rule at our house, the chocolate syrup cannot be in the refrigerator at or below boy-level. We were 30 minutes late to our outing and Zane got a yard shower with the hose to get all the chocolate off. You can't tell in the picture, but it was running down his legs too. Oh, the naughtiness!

1 comment:

Kara said...

haha! that kid loves him some chocolate!
we have a rule about chocolate syrup too, but it's more of a 'keep it out of sight from the boys' rule. it's in the back of our fridge. once they see it, all i will hear is 'cho-chalk' allll day long...