Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Roman Shades

This is just a quickie, but I had mentioned back in the fall that I would post a picture of the roman shade I was making for Vander's room. Drum roll please:

So, that's it. I learned a few tidbits of wisdom making this one that I will pass on should you decide to try your own hand at the roman shade.

1. Make the shade to hang on the outside of the window frame. I can sew, but I am not a very pacient sewer and sometimes my lines aren't perfect. It's much easier to hang fabric over a window than to fit it perfectly into a window frame.

2. Before you sew the bottom hem, trial hang it in the window to make sure that you have made it long enough. You can't tell from this picture, but there is additional dark brown fabric I had to add to the bottom of my shade.

Anyway, I would say it was worth it to make my own and not pay Pottery Barn an arm and a leg.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I think I might take up this blogging thing again. Only time will tell...

The other morning the boys and I had an early (for us) event to get to. The clock was ticking and the pressure was high to get up, eat breakfast (usually a 2 hour ordeal for Zane "the eating machine"), get dressed, and get out of the house. I really needed a shower so I got Zane started on his breakfast and headed upstairs. (Vander, my zombie child, who can sleep until noon was not up yet) When I came downstairs with Vander refreshed from my shower and ready to put it into high gear to get out the house this is what I found:

Zane decided to make chocolate milk, sans milk. We now have a new rule at our house, the chocolate syrup cannot be in the refrigerator at or below boy-level. We were 30 minutes late to our outing and Zane got a yard shower with the hose to get all the chocolate off. You can't tell in the picture, but it was running down his legs too. Oh, the naughtiness!